YES administers focus groups to learn more about the experiences youth have in care.

In 2012 they were located in Lonoke, Fort Smith and Pine Bluff. By hosting the focus groups in diverse areas, youth from all over the sate were able to participate. All together almost 300 youth participated. These conferences helped YES by increasing its goal through awareness, community and interest.

Awareness - YES increased its visibility as Youth learned more about the program and its intentions for a growing future. 

Community -YES brought together foster youth to share their experiences and form connections by empowering their voice and a sense of connectedness to one another.

Interest - YES also stoked the enthusiasm for participation as more than 60 youth expressed an interest in joining the YES team

Thoughts from Focus Group Participants:

“I’ve got to make a change somehow. I know there is something better for me” -Daniel B Kelly, YES Team member

“I really appreciate YES attending the YAB conference back in October! I think it all went well, and YES was definitely a part of that.”
-Gregory Moore, Quality Assurance Manager Arkansas DHS/DCFS