Monday, April 22, 2013

2013 YES Legal Representation Survey


This is the best way to complete the survey. 

If filing out the survey online is not possible, please  request a PDF of the survey at, complete it and fax it to 501.682.2662 or mail it to Justice Building, YES Team 625 Marshall St., Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

Youth who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for a free Samsung Galaxy 2!

The YES team believes it is important that all youth involved in a dependency-neglect case be actively engaged in their court case. Not only do youth need to feel that they have a voice in the process, but they also need to understand what is happening in court and in their case.

In an effort to evaluate how we are doing in meeting the needs of youth involved in dependency-neglect cases in relation to the court process, the YES team has created a survey. The survey includes questions about the experience of youth in the courtroom, with their attorneys ad litem, and with CASA. All youth involved in dependency-neglect cases are encouraged to participate in the survey, which takes approximately fifteen minutes to complete. 

Data collected from the survey will be used to help improve legal representation and youth involvement in dependency-neglect court.

We ask that you encourage all the dependent-neglected youth with whom you are in contact to participate in the survey and help administer the survey when needed.

Important Points for Survey Administrators to Remember:
• If participants have difficulty reading, a survey administrator may assist by reading questions or providing neutral clarifications, but please let the survey reflect the participant’s views.• In administering the survey, it is important that you not react to the participant’s answers with emotion, approval or disapproval, as this can detract from the candor of the answers.
• If you have a computer available for the participant to use or provide the participant a place to fill out the form, please give the participant space to allow him or her adequate privacy for completing the form.
• We are happy to coordinate group surveys upon request and to provide further assistance in administering individual surveys. Please just let us know how we can help!

Thank you,
The YES Team

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Save the Date for YES Team's 2013 Legal Representation Survey Launching Earth Day, Monday April 22nd!

The YES Team's 2013 legal representation survey launches on Earth Day, Monday, April 22 and closes Monday, May 13.

All current foster youth are encouraged to participate in the survey. Youth will be asked questions about their experiences in the courtroom, with their attorney ad litem, and with CASA. Participants of the survey will be entered into a drawing for a free prize (the last two years in was a Kindle)!

We ask that you encourage all foster youth to participate in the survey!

A PDF of the survey can be emailed to you upon request at It should be faxed to 501.682.2662 when completed.

When the day comes - administer or take the survey online by following this link:

Important Points to Remember:
• If participants have difficulty reading survey, a survey administrator may assist the participant by reading questions or providing neutral clarifications.
• Further assistance administering individual or group surveys is available upon request.

Thank you, The YES team

A Meet & Greet at the Arkansas Capital

YES Team members, who came from all over the State, met one another for the first time! They began to share their plans for influencing foster youth policies and programs.

In addition to getting to know one another, the YES Team members also toured the State Capitol, participated in important meetings to learn about policies and laws that affect child welfare in Arkansas,shared lunch with Representatives Fite and Meeks.

The day culminated with the YES Team members sharing experiences and gaining inspiration to motivate their important work. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Download the Survey and Print

Download a pdf file of the survey.  Be sure to get the surveys back to the YES team soon!!!


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Attention Survey Facilitators

Check out our Tips for Administering Survey sheet available for download.

Tips for Administering Survey

YES Survey Launching July 2nd!!!!

The YES TEAM will be launching our 2012 foster youth survey on July 2nd.  Don't forget your chance to win a free Kindle by filling out the survey.